Originally from Japan, Takeshi Miyamoto lives and works in Paris since 2009. His work explores a variety of subjects including gender, body, nature and cultural diversity – which aims to connect them with a theme of universal beauty. With more than 10 years experience in silver gelatin darkroom techniques, his hand-printed imageries have a distinct aesthetic. Takeshi also regularly contributes to international editorial commissions including Japan and France.
宮本武 1974年福岡県出身。 2009年よりフランス、パリ在住。 ジェンダー、身体、自然、異文化、等の中に見つかる普遍性とその美しさを求めて作品を制作している。フィルムにしか表現できない写真の繊細さに魅了され、暗室にて印画紙プリントの作品を残すように努めている。 日本国内外で 雑誌、カタログ、広告写真などでも活動中。
Solo Exhibitions
2012, 2013, 2014 “Helleborus” at Gallery Trax, Yatsugatake, Japan
Group Exhibitions
2014 Rendez-vous aux Jardins, Galerie Motul-le, Bretagne, France
2014 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi International Photography Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Fashion Capital of the World – A cultural Collaboration, Clement Meadmore Gallery, Australia
2011 Overseas – Ricoh Photo Gallery Ring Cube, Tokyo, Japan
2008 Roses, Aoyama Spiral Hall, Tokyo, Japan
2000 – 2003 Advanced Diploma in Photography at Photography Studies College, Melbourne, Australia
1992 – 1996 Diploma in English as a foreign language at Dokkyo University, Saitama, Japan
1995 – 1996 Intercultural Communication studies at Indiana University Bloomington, United States